Why flexible automation?

The logistics sector is experiencing a growing need for efficient, flexible, and scalable forms of automation. This is especially the case for warehouses in unpredictable sectors such as e-commerce. The trend towards shorter delivery times is forcing warehouses to process more and more orders ever faster. Given the current staff shortages at warehouses, automation in the form of robotization presents an effective solution to enhance business resilience.

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ARCO Syncreon

Robotization in logistics

The term ‘robotization’ is often used in logistics and frequently mentioned in the same breath as ‘mechanization’ and ‘automation’, but robotization is substantially different. A robot is a programmable machine that processes information independently and can therefore perform various physical tasks on its own.

Machines are hardly a new phenomenon in the logistics sector. Most machines can only do what people (mechanization) or software systems (automation) tell them to do. A robot, on the other hand, can make decisions autonomously based on information from camera images (AI). These robots can recognize the product in front of them, see how it is positioned, and figure out how to pick it up. In addition, it is becoming easier and easier to programme robots to perform or learn new tasks, increasing the number of areas in which they can work.

Robots can be integrated into existing work environments and operate alongside people. They can even collaborate with people, reducing their workload by taking over repetitive and physically demanding tasks. This further improves ergonomics and productivity while boosting the attractiveness of working in the logistics sector.

ARCO Syncreon

Robot palletizing at Syncreon Tilburg

Palletizing robots are now commonplace in logistics. They often handle various sizes of boxes that need to be stacked in set patterns on a pallet. Depalletizing is the reverse process: the unstacking of pallets and placement of products on a roller conveyor.

Looking for a practical example of robots being effectively deployed to increase production speed and reduce employees’ physical workload?


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What our customers in the Supply Chain & Internal Logistics sector say about us

‘Looking back on this project, we have to say that the cooperation with ARCO was very smooth. We joined forces and implemented the best solution for our production line. Where we previously used many manual and labour-intensive processes, we now have a fully automated system that enables us to work very efficiently.’

CEVA Logistics CEVA Logistics
Logo CEVA Logistics

‘We greatly appreciated ARCO’s ability to respond quickly. But not only that, they demonstrated exceptional creativity when devising the solution and the various test set-ups that they developed to test the design. The close cooperation between ARCO and ourselves facilitated the successful implementation of this particular packaging line.’

DHL logo.

“We saw a lot of commitment and determination. We had to and would get the first package across the track on the day of the deadline and we did. ARCO didn’t go home until things were running smoothly. Really nice that they had the same drive as us, it was a very pleasant collaboration.”

Saint Gobain Saint Gobain

‘’ We are very satisfied with ARCO’s automated solution and how it fits perfectly in our picking line. ARCO worked together with us on the solution from start to finish. We had a good cooperation in which customer focus was key. During implementation, the technicians worked neatly and without any inconvenience. We will certainly come back to ARCO for more solutions.’’

Herbalife Nutrition Herbalife Nutrition
herbalife nutrition
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